Time & Location
Oct 06, 2021, 10:00 AM
PupTown , Medina, MN, USA
About the Event
Come join Sara Spevacek and Adventure Is Barking at Puptown for Play & Train sessions! PupTown is looking for a professional training business to step in and help with training. This is where Adventure Is Barking comes in! The Play & Train sessions will focus on Basic Obedience: sit, down, stay, place, touch, recall “come”, and proper leash manners. With opportunities for introductions to a variety of training tools (gentle leaders, prong collars, e-collars, easy walk harnesses etc.)
All basic commands can be expanded upon-- Ex. Dog learns how to do the commands without any hand signals (verbal only). Dog learns how to hold ‘duration place’ and stay commands; this skill can transfer to the dog learning how to not rush out through doors and barriers. Touch command can be used to lure puppies back when working to solidify recall commands. The next session is Wednesday, October 6th during daycare hours. Puptown is working on streamlining these Play & Train sessions and therefore will be consistently holding these sessions on Wednesday’s only moving forward. As I know how busy and hectic everyones lives are, Adventure Is Barking will continue to send out reminders:) There are 5 slots and dogs need to be droppd off by 10:00AM. These sessions will be 30 minutes. We will contact you to pay for either the session or the package and to get futher details on what to work on.
*NOTE*: The ticket you select will determine the slot that you will be occupying. Payment will be due at a later date.
Pricing Specifics:
$25/30 Minute Session
5 Session: $110 ($22/Session)
10 Session: $200 ($20/Session)
*This pricing is in addition to the cost of daycare for the day.*
Wednesday October 6th
This ticket determines your spot for the specific date you have selected. Payment will be made at later date before class begins!
$0.00Sale ended